Événements dymtro garbovskyi in concert Gris, Canada
Premier Jazz Quartet featuring New York Baritone Saxophonist Gary Smulyan
Sun, Mar 23, 8:00 PM
Keffer Memorial Chapel, Martin Luther University College
Premier Jazz Quartet featuring New York Baritone Saxophonist Gary Smulyan
Sun, Mar 23, 8:00 PM
Keffer Memorial Chapel, Martin Luther University College
Georgian Bay Islands National Park Photography Workshop
Sat, Sep 6, 9:00 AM
Georgian Bay Islands National Park
Georgian Bay Islands National Park Photography Workshop
Sat, Sep 6, 9:00 AM
Georgian Bay Islands National Park
Voices of Our Matriarchs (Reclaiming the Traditions of Gàidhlig Women)
Wed, Mar 19, 7:30 PM
Maureen Forrester Recital Hall
Voices of Our Matriarchs (Reclaiming the Traditions of Gàidhlig Women)
Wed, Mar 19, 7:30 PM
Maureen Forrester Recital Hall