Événements professional development Lambton, Canada
Master Public Speaking? VIRTUAL-12 Week Immersive Transformation Program
Tuesday at 5:00 PM + 50 en plus
Highland Park
Master Public Speaking? VIRTUAL-12 Week Immersive Transformation Program
Tuesday at 5:00 PM + 50 en plus
Highland Park
Master Dance Class: Intermediate Contemporary Technique with Joanna | Troy
Fri, Apr 11, 8:00 PM
1337 Piedmont Ave
Master Dance Class: Intermediate Contemporary Technique with Joanna | Troy
Fri, Apr 11, 8:00 PM
1337 Piedmont Ave
Six Sigma Green and Black Belt Combo Course in Detroit
Tuesday at 9:00 AM + 1 en plus
400 Renaissance Center suite 2600
Six Sigma Green and Black Belt Combo Course in Detroit
Tuesday at 9:00 AM + 1 en plus
400 Renaissance Center suite 2600
OUTSELL, OUTGROW, OUTSMART with AI- Marketing Mastery One-Day Bootcamp
Fri, May 9, 8:00 AM
Southfield (The schedule is subject to change.)
OUTSELL, OUTGROW, OUTSMART with AI- Marketing Mastery One-Day Bootcamp
Fri, May 9, 8:00 AM
Southfield (The schedule is subject to change.)
Birmingham: E3 Real Estate Summit
Thursday at 10:00 AM + 2 en plus
48009, Zoom Link Sent Upon Registration
Birmingham: E3 Real Estate Summit
Thursday at 10:00 AM + 2 en plus
48009, Zoom Link Sent Upon Registration
Uniquely You: A Discussion on Personal Branding
Wed, Mar 26, 1:00 PM
Teams: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NjFiYWUyNWYtMTJiOC00Mzc4LThhYTctYzE5MDIwYzY0Nzg1%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22e154a760-1d2d-4ef6-8fd3-ebc8b4ef31fd%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22084603d8-297a-4bcc-b65b-2a169c7ec855%22%7d
Uniquely You: A Discussion on Personal Branding
Wed, Mar 26, 1:00 PM
Teams: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NjFiYWUyNWYtMTJiOC00Mzc4LThhYTctYzE5MDIwYzY0Nzg1%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22e154a760-1d2d-4ef6-8fd3-ebc8b4ef31fd%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22084603d8-297a-4bcc-b65b-2a169c7ec855%22%7d
4th Annual WinHers Brunch & Pitch Competition: Brunch at Night Edition
Sat, Mar 29, 5:00 PM
100 Lenox St
4th Annual WinHers Brunch & Pitch Competition: Brunch at Night Edition
Sat, Mar 29, 5:00 PM
100 Lenox St
Personalized Tutoring Services: Boost Your Grades and Test Scores
Today at 12:00 PM + 15 en plus
8296 12 Mile Rd
Personalized Tutoring Services: Boost Your Grades and Test Scores
Today at 12:00 PM + 15 en plus
8296 12 Mile Rd
Michigan Founders Fund: Founders First Fridays April
Fri, Apr 4, 10:00 AM
Velocity Innovation Center 6633 18 Mile Rd
Michigan Founders Fund: Founders First Fridays April
Fri, Apr 4, 10:00 AM
Velocity Innovation Center 6633 18 Mile Rd