Événements free events Longueuil, Canada
The Honourable Michelle O’Bonsawin, Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada
jeu. 3 avr., 17:30
John Molson School of Business
The Honourable Michelle O’Bonsawin, Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada
jeu. 3 avr., 17:30
John Molson School of Business
Global Book Club Ft. Itamar Vieira Junior's CROOKED PLOW
mar. 25 mars, 18:30
Librairie Saint-Henri Books
Global Book Club Ft. Itamar Vieira Junior's CROOKED PLOW
mar. 25 mars, 18:30
Librairie Saint-Henri Books
International Canadian Studies: A Contemporary View of the Field
jeu. 27 mars, 16:00
McGill Faculty Club and Conference Centre
International Canadian Studies: A Contemporary View of the Field
jeu. 27 mars, 16:00
McGill Faculty Club and Conference Centre
Visite guidée gratuite - Centre canadien d'architecture et Art Souterrain
sam. 5 avr., 14:00
Canadian Centre for Architecture
Visite guidée gratuite - Centre canadien d'architecture et Art Souterrain
sam. 5 avr., 14:00
Canadian Centre for Architecture
Beyond Bilingualism: Revitalization & Preservation of Indigenous Languages
mer. 26 mars, 18:00
SHIFT Centre for Social Transformation
Beyond Bilingualism: Revitalization & Preservation of Indigenous Languages
mer. 26 mars, 18:00
SHIFT Centre for Social Transformation
Portes Ouvertes Espace Montmorency | Open House Espace Montmorency
samedi prochain à 13:00
777 Boul. le Corbusier
Portes Ouvertes Espace Montmorency | Open House Espace Montmorency
samedi prochain à 13:00
777 Boul. le Corbusier
Satsang / Kirtan - An evening of music and meditation
dim. 6 avr., 18:00 + 2 en plus
Ashtanga Yoga Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada
Satsang / Kirtan - An evening of music and meditation
dim. 6 avr., 18:00 + 2 en plus
Ashtanga Yoga Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada
Portes Ouvertes LIVEO Repentigny | Open House at LIVEO Repentigny
dimanche prochain à 11:00
Livéo Repentigny
Portes Ouvertes LIVEO Repentigny | Open House at LIVEO Repentigny
dimanche prochain à 11:00
Livéo Repentigny